Rest assured, I'll return with renewed inspiration and fresh creations. In the meantime, browse my past creations for inspiration and stay informed by subscribing to my newsletter.

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The Joy of Handmade

I meticulously craft each piece with the user in mind, considering its purpose and how it will integrate into your daily rituals. My hope is that these mugs, bowls, and other handmade ceramics bring you as much comfort and satisfaction to use as they bring me to create.

Meet Nathalie

Studio Potter Magazine

Excited to share that my article, "Crafting Connections:
Embracing the Comfort and Value of Handmade Ceramics," is included in this
month's Studio Potter Magazine! I’ve shared my thoughts on handmade ceramics, plus
some recipes for comfort food and drinks.

Check out the issue and celebrate the beauty of handmade

To the Article
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